RWBY is an anime style action adventure web series created by Rooster Teeth. The series follows four young women as they train to become huntresses in a world full of dangerous monsters and equally dangerous people.
Category: Fandom
Happy Wheels: The Series Review – Binge-worthy
Happy Wheels: The Series is an animated comedy based on the browser game of the same name. In the game, players attempt to guide riders across deadly obstacle courses to spectacularly bloody effect. The Series does much the same thing, but with a plot! [Edit February 2019: Machinima was acquired by Otter Media in January…
War for Cybertron Revisited – Livestream Archive
Transformers: War for Cybertron War for Cybertron is a Third Person action game developed by High Moon Studios and published by Activision in 2010. The game was well received by both critics and users and is still regarded as one of the best representations of the Transformers IP. I am livestreaming this game and its…
The Storyteller Season 4 – Bingeworthy Review
The Storyteller The Storyteller is a machinima(a film that uses pre-rendered animations) series set in the Fallout series of games. The series features a wandering historian called The Storyteller as he travels the wasteland of post nuclear America. Season 4 follows him to the Commonwealth, the setting of Fallout 4, as he searches for a…
AGDQ 2017: Gaming for Prevent Cancer
Its time for the annual cry of… Kill the Animals! Save the Animals! Awesome Games Done Quick(AGDQ) is an annual fundraiser event benefiting The Prevent Cancer Foundation. This week long event features gamers from across the world as they speed run all manner of games from classic console favorites to modern titles.
For the Love Of, The Circuit Interview with Manu Intiraymi
Welcome to this installment of For The Love Of, a periodic interview series about everything we geek out about. Joining me in this episode is Manu Intiraymi to talk about his film project, The Circuit.
For the Love Of: Hollywood Sci Fi Museum
Welcome to Live Love Play and For the Love Of, a periodic interview series about everything we geek out about. In this episode I have the pleasure to talk with Huston Huddleston, founder of the Hollywood Sci Fi Museum and Hollywood Horror Museum.
For the Love of: Marc Cushman Interview
Welcome to For the Love of… a periodic interview series about everything we geek out about. For this episode, I welcome author-writer-director-producer Marc Cushman, author of Irwin Allen’s Lost in Space: the authorized biography of a classic sci fi series.
The Live Blog: Outside SDCC 2016
Outside SDCC 2016 San Diego Comic Con International is well-known as a mecca of popular culture. Once a year the biggest names in entertainment come to the city to present the latest in Television, Movies, Comics, and Collectables to the masses. Those massed descend upon the city in the tens of thousands. Entry is exclusive…
Super Geeks 23 Master Vader
Super Geeks has returned with Episode 23: Master Vader. This week George, Anthony, Will, Ross, and Sunsehal talk about all things geek and there is no shortage to things to talk about as the first day od San Diego Comic Con International is in full swing. The show begins with introductions and a some talk…